Monthly Archives: October 2014



We are knee-deep in yurt renovations this week and are using the time to “camp” in our front yard in our heated trailer (so not really camping at all).

All of our things are packed into containers or boxes; it is easy to see that we still have too much stuff. Hopefully more downsizing will happen as we unpack. Hopefully.

Mike has been on the roof quite a bit lately:


Trying to figure out the angles


Working on the roof

Here is our to do list for the yurt:

  • re-insulate and re-brick the inside of the Rayburn 
  • add another radiator to the system and hook everything up
  • sew a new roof
  • sew new walls
  • attach a giant zipper to the roof and walls
  • winterize the yurt with carpets and rugs

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!